Gutter Cleaning

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Gutter Cleaning by the Pros

Many experts recommend cleaning your gutters once or twice a year, typically in the spring and fall. However, if you have trees near your home, especially pine trees, you may need to clean your gutters more frequently, every three to four months, to ensure the gutter system functions properly. Maintaining clean gutters should be a priority for homeowners. Keeping your gutters clear of debris can prevent big problems. Clogged gutters can lead to poor water drainage, which can result in major damage to your home. 

Deciding whether to hire a professional for gutter cleaning or to install gutter guards can be an important investment in protecting your home. Cleaning gutters yourself can be risky, potentially leading to falls from ladders, electrical hazards, exposure to bacteria, lightheadedness, dizziness, and pest encounters. If you’re unsure how to properly clean and maintain your gutters, attempting it yourself could end up causing more harm than good.

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